
Hey there!

My name’s Sandy Salierno and I love making clothes!

How to Get Custom Clothes... When You Don't Sew

How to Get Custom Clothes... When You Don't Sew

There’s nothing more satisfying than having a garment that is made exactly the way you want it and fits like a glove.

Getting custom clothes is well worth the price- for the cost of rebuying that cheap t-shirt after four washes when it wears out you can get one well-made piece that will last you far longer. High-quality clothes are better for the environment, better for your pocket, and… I mean, they’re just better.

But what if you can’t make them for yourself?

Learn to Sew

Okay, so this is a bit of a cop-out, but seriously. The whole covid situation right now means you probably have a bit of extra time. Now’s a great time to learn basic sewing or knitting skills. Knitting is much easier than it looks- it’s just two stitches and different ways of combining them. The easiest, cheapest way to have great clothes is to make them yourself.

Order From Small Producers

Lots of boutique designers are open to custom commissions. If you’re browsing Etsy and see a dress that’s perfect except for that one thing it’s worth the time to send a quick message to the seller asking about custom orders.

Utilize a Seamstress

A basic alteration shop will often welcome the chance to sew up a garment. If you bring precut fabric, notions, and directions to them they’ll be able to whip it up in a flash. (Side note: This is called a tech pack.) You can even bring parts of a project- for example, you can bring all your facings, pleating, or gathering. Want to practice your hand sewing? Get them to take the project to almost done and do all the hems yourself. Doing it this way means you get to participate in what I think is the most fun part of making your own clothes: fabric shopping.

Tailor’s are the most underutilized resource around. Even if you buy the cheapest, fast fashion-y garment, a good tailor will be able to do magical things to it.

In my ideal world, everyone would be a seamstress and sewing and knitting wouldn’t be the weird, kind of fringe hobbies they are. But whether you’re passionate about handmade or not, well-fitting clothes are nice to have and much easier to achieve than you’d think.

Gemmed Phone Case

Gemmed Phone Case

The Arabella Skirt by Rebecca Page

The Arabella Skirt by Rebecca Page