
Hey there!

My name’s Sandy Salierno and I love making clothes!

It's Finished... Sort of

It's Finished... Sort of

I usually take January as a throwaway month, but February got me as well this year. I hate to sound, well, my age about it but seriously, where has the time gone? I feel like I’ve done nothing despite the fact I’ve gotten quite far on one thing…

My goal was to work extra hard on the layette and…

It’s almost done! I’m done all the knitting on it and I’ve woven in the ends. You might be looking at the blanket and thinking those ends are 100% not done, but I’m lining the blanket with linen and then quilting it a bit so I’m not super concerned about them. The sweater is unlined so I put a bit more effort into making those pretty on the inside. I’m hoping to block it tomorrow or Friday and then all that’s left is the embroidery! It’s not finished, but it’s like, finished adjacent.

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If you’re new, this is the Bear Necessities Layette that I’ve been working on for ages. I’m using the recommended Debbie Bliss Cashmerino. It’s an amazing project but definitely needs a lot of patience and even more skill. I can’t believe I’m finally in the home stretch of it!

I’ve also been working hard on my temperature blanket. I’m a bit behind but it’s slowly moving.

I don’t have a tonne of stuff craft wise because the layette has taken a LOT of work. I’m hoping I can get more going when that starts blocking!

I did end up going to the hardware store and finding this amazing adorable Gin Cocktail Garden.

It was so ridiculously cute I couldn’t resist! Nothing has germinated yet so keep your fingers crossed for me!

Honestly, the tragedy of gardening is that you don’t plant the seeds and have fully formed, mature plants ten minutes later.

As per usual I did a video to match this post, where I include a bonus project in the idea stage….

A Set or a Sweater?

A Set or a Sweater?

A Layette, Temperature Blanket, and Treats!

A Layette, Temperature Blanket, and Treats!